Saturday, March 16, 2019

A Sportsman's View




I grew up fishing, hunting and spending most of my time in the outdoors. I was raised to love and respect nature. I’ve never hunted just for trophies and I practice catch and release, unless I am bringing home dinner. If I don’t catch anything or if I’m not bringing home meat from the field, then it’s still a good day because I was one with the amazing creation of nature.

With all the news of The Green New Deal and the prediction that the world will end in twelve years, if we don’t control climate change, is it a realistic goal to do what the politicians suggest? Is it realistic to kill all the cows? I thought causing the extinction of a species is what these same people are against. Is it realistic to refit every building in The United States, do away with all air travel, nuclear energy and combustion engines?  Including your car, truck, boat, Harley and John Deere tractor. That’s a tall order for sure.

All I know is that there are millions of people like me who are the real conservationist. Conservationism was bred into us from the time we first walked into a field with our dads or held a fishing rod. We pack out what we pack in and if we see that someone left something behind then we bring that out too. Men and women who enjoy the outdoor sports, follow the laws concerning bag and size limits along with all the other laws that govern our pastime.

Sportsmen pay for conservation with the hunting and fishing licenses that are purchased. These fees help to protect the wildlife, woods, wetlands and oceans we love. In Montana alone duck stamps bring in 185 million dollars a year and that doesn’t include all the taxes we spend on sporting equipment. I don’t know of anyone that wants dirty air and water or trash thrown all over their home, do you? The outdoors is where sportsmen feel at home. At one with nature. I live in South West Florida and last summer we dealt with the worst red tide in decades. It killed fish, dolphin, manatees and everything else in the water. Not only that, it also emptied our skies. The eagles, osprey, pelicans and even the seagulls were gone. Clean water is important to us all. The damage was done a hundred years ago when the politicians decided to drain the Everglades and turn it into farm land. It cannot be fixed.

In 2008 Al Gore told a German audience that the polar ice cap would be depleted by 2013 but as of September 8, 2013 Douglas Cobb wrote in an article that the polar ice is 60% larger that it was in 2008. In an interview on February 13, 2010, Professor Phil Jones, the director of climatic research unit at the University of East Anglai (UEA) stated that “warming rates from 1910-1940 and 1975-1998 are not significantly different.” Professor Jones also stated, “that there has been no significant global warming since 1995.”  I believe that the politicians on both sides of the aisle are more concerned about keeping their jobs, power and private jets, than they are of protecting the environment. Yes, they will still have their planes after they stop all commercial air traffic.

If we as sportsmen do our part, then that’s all anyone can truly expect. The climate has been changing since the world was created. The earth warms and cools, the tides rise and fall and there is more ice at the poles than before. Be a good steward of your local environment because if we all do this the earth will survive long past the twelve-year doom expected by some in power.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."    Teddy Roosevelt

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