The old song says, “Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart.” In
todays world, what do we have to be thankful for? It seems politics rule
everything and if your lifelong friend has different views than you do, then
you can’t be friends anymore. Most of todays entertainment is either recycled
or just no good. It can cost a day’s pay to go to the movies. And people. Crazy
people are abundant.
So, what do we have to be thankful for in 2018? Well sit
back and I’ll tell ya. The simple things.
Be thankful for that sunrise on your way to
work in the morning. The way the colors burst over the horizon and seemingly
melt the darkness away. When was the last time you stopped to take in the
beauty of the morning? Give it a try.
Be thankful for the smile on your child’s face
the first time they feel a tug on the end of their line. Seeing the pure joy a
child feels when they have his or her first real experience with nature.
Remember to take the hero photo and have them kiss the fish before releasing
it…unless it’s tonight’s dinner, then no kiss. You wouldn’t want your little
angler to become attached.
Be thankful for that old dog lying on the
couch. You know the couch that your wife says, “No dogs allowed.” But silently
accepts it because she knows how much that old dog means to you. Be thankful
for the memories of him pointing his first pheasant or working his first covey
of quail. Or her first of hundreds of water retrieves. These memoires will
bring a smile to your face.
Be thankful for the sun sinking below the
horizon, as the Master Artist paints the sky a multi-colored work of art just
for you. As your eyes behold the beauty of creation, squeeze your wife’s hand a
little and remind her of how thankful you are for her.
Be thankful for the simple things, because after all it’s
the simple things in life that really matter. So, as you bow your heads and
hold hands around the table this Thanksgiving, remember to “Give Thanks With a
Grateful Heart” for your family, your dogs and your friends. Be thankful for
your job, (yes your job) and all the simple things we take for granted every
Happy Thanksgiving